CIRED 2023 papers online
CIRED 2023 papers are now available to all duly registered participants. Have not registered yet ? Do not delay and be sure you will have the opportunity to meet the 2500 experts that will be present at the conference and exhibition - registration information:
CIRED 2023 - accepted papers
Are you hesitating to register for CIRED 2023 ? Have a look at the
final list of accepted abstracts and you will be convinced that you should not miss this unique opportunity to learn about the topical subjects of the electricity distribution
WG 2019-4 Final report
The CIRED Working Group on Storage technologies as an opportunity for distribution systems has finalized their activities. The final report can be downloaded here
Registration open for CIRED 2023
It is now possible to register for CIRED 2023 ! Do not delay your registration and join the 2000+ experts who will meet in Rome on 12-15 June 2023.
Direct link to register
CIRED 2023 - accepted submissions
1058 abstracts were selected for CIRED 2023. This will for sure be a not-to-be missed event !
Authors are now invited to submit a full paper by 23 January. All information can be found
CIRED 2023 submissions of papers
The deadline for submitting abstracts for CIRED 2023 is now over and we are quite pleased to announce that 1400+ proposals of papers have been received from all over the world. Warm thanks to all who will contribute to have a very successful event !