International Conference on Electricity Distribution

CIRED - international conference on electricity distribution


Workshop 2018 - 403 participants
CIRED Workshop 2018 (Helskinki, (3-6 June 2018) iregistered a record number of 403 participants, coming from 33 countries. Photos are available here
WG Smart Secondary Substations - final report
The final report for the CIRED Working Group on Smart Secondary Substations - Technology Development and Distribution System Benefits is now available. Click here to download it
Workshop 2018 - 223 selected papers
223 papers were selected to be presented either in oral or poster sessions during the CIRED Workshop 2018. Detailed programme available soon. Pay a regular visit to the Workshop website :
Workshop 2018 - submission of papers

We are very happy to announce that 406 proposals of papers have been received for the next CIRED Workshop on "Microgrids and local energy communities" (Ljubljana, 7-8 June 2018). A great success !
More information about the Workshop can be found at

New Israel Liaison Committee
We are very pleased to welcome the newly founded CIRED Israel Liaison Committee. To find their contact details, pleased click here.
Report WG Technical and non-technical losses available
The final report for CIRED WG 2015-2 on Technical and non-technical losses - Reduction of technical and non-technical losses in distribution networks has been published. Further information on this WG and final report downloadable at