International Conference on Electricity Distribution

CIRED - international conference on electricity distribution


Workshop Berlin - submissions
We are very happy to announce that some 460 proposals of papers have been received for the next CIRED Workshop on "How to Implement Flexibility in the Distribution System?" (Berlin, 4-5 June 2020). A great success ! 
More information about the Workshop can be found at
CIRED 2019 - Papers available open access
The CIRED 2019 proceedings are now available online on open access, easily searchable, accessible and citable
Workshop Berlin - call for papers

The call for papers for CIRED Workshop to be held in Berlin on "How to Implement Flexibility in the Distribution System?" (4-5 June 2020) is now available online at

Korea appointed as Directing Member
CIRED is very pleased to announce that Korea has recently been appointed as a Directing Country Member. Contact details for the CIRED National Korean Committee are available here
Absolute records for CIRED 2019
For its 25th edition, CIRED breaks all records !
- 1519 conference participants
- 1731 submitted abstracts
- 140 exhibitors
- 62 countries represented
Thank you all for making this event a great success !
3 days before CIRED 2019
Only 3 days before CIRED 2019 ! 1515 participants and 140 exhibiting companies will be in Madrid. Definitely the not-to-be-missed place where the Electricity Distribution community meets
The event website: with the complete programme and special reports that will give you a detailed idea about what will be discussed