Session 1 |
| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Future Network Architecture - Power Network, Protection, Control and Market Requirements for 2020 | | | Douglas J A K, Roscoe N J, PB Power, Andrews S, Lower Watts Consulting, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Smart Communications in Demand Management | | | Carmona F, CITIC, Sanz R, López A, Cedetel, Mora D, Ericsson, Mora R, Siemens, Spain |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Evolution of DSO Control Centre Tool in order to Maximize the Value of Aggregated Distributed Generation in Smart Grids | | | Sebastian M, EDF R&D, France,
Marti J, Iberdrola, Spain,
Lang P, EDF Energy Networks, United Kingdom |
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Session 2 |
| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Development of Autonomous Demand Area Power System- Operation and Control for Regulation of System Voltage - | | | Uemura S, Kobayashi H, The Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Virtual Power Plant Field Experiment using 10 micro-CHP units at Consumer Premises | | | Hommelberg M P F, Roossien B, Kok J K, Warmer C J, ECN Netherlands,
Turkstra J W Gasunie, E&T, Netherlands |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Maximisation of Intermittent Distributed Generation in Active Networks | | | Harrison G P, Dent C J, Ochoa L F, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Asset Management arguments for Smart Grids | | | Slootweg J G, Kuiper J, Berende M J C, Peters J C F M, Essent Netwerk B.V., Netherlands |
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Session 3 |
| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Automation to maximise distributed generation contribution and reduce network losses | | | Bell K R W, Quinonez-Varela G, Burt G M, University of Strathclyde United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | An integrated MV distributed generation connection planning tool | | | d'Albertanson B, Hawkins D, GE Energy, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Optimal Design Policy and Strategic Investment in Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation | | | Silva N, Strbac G, Imperial College London, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Microturbine based Distributed Generator in Smart Grid Application | | | Chowdhury S P, Saha A K, Jadavpur University, India,
Crossley P A, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom,
Chowdhury S, Women's Polytechnic, India |
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Session 4 |
| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Impact of Microgrids concept on low voltage network reliability | | | Herrmann N, MVV Energie AG, Schwaegerl C, Tao L, Siemens AG, Germany |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Universal Application of Synchronous Islanded Operation | | | Laverty D M, Best R J, Morrow D J, Queens University Belfast, Crossley P A, University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Definition of DG protection planning methods for network information systems | | | Kärenlampi M, ABB Oy Distribution Automation, Järventausta P, Repo S, Mäki K, Tampere University of Technology, Finland |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Safety and Reliability for Smart-, Micro- and Islanded Grids | | | Fickert L F, Friedl W F, Schmautzer E S, Obkircher C O, Institute for Electrical Power Systems, Graz University of Technology, Austria |
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Session 5 |
| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | InovGrid Project – Distribution network evolution as a decisive answer to new electrical sector challenges | | | Cunha L V, EDP Distribuição, Reis J, noLimits Consulting, Lopes J A, INESC, Peças A J, Edinfor-LogicaCMG, Portugal |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Method and applications of IEC Common Information Model standard for Distribution Operations : a path towards smart grids development | | | Fremont J, EDF R&D, Bouquet C, ERDF, Lambert E, EDF R&D, Carre O, ERDF, France |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | "Self-Healing Networks
Performance Improvement by Automated Switching Algorithm" | | | Cox P W, E.On Central Networks, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | A Roadmap for Developing Real Time Distribution System Simulation Tools for the Smart Grid | | | McGranaghan M, Dugan Roger, EPRI, Mamo X, EDF INA, United States,
Devaux O, Maire J, EDF R&D, France |
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Session 6 |
| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Integration of combined heat and power micro units into the low voltage network by using a grid oriented operation mode | | | Pielke M, Kurrat M, Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for High Voltage Technology and Electrical Power Systems, Germany |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Demand Side Management Programs in the Western Sydney Areas | | | Duo H, Bucca F, Parsons Brinckerhoff, Australia |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Application of energy storage systems minimizing effects of fluctuating feed-in of photovoltaic systems |
Bärwaldt G, Kurrat M, Technical University of Braunschweig, Institute for High Voltage Technolgoy and Electrical Power Systems, Germany |
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Regulatory Frameworks for SmartGrid Implementation in Europe and the Next Steps |
| | Ferruccio Villa |
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Poster Session 1 |
| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Demand for Wind, Maximising the Value of Wind Power Through Demand Side management | | | Svendsen H, Econnect Ventures Ltd, Taylor P C, University of Durham, Barbier C, Econnect Ventures Ltd, Welby C Good Energy Ltd, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | "Integration is key to Smart Grid management
" | | | Rodríguez J, Telvent, Spain |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Standard Microsource Interface for a MicroGrid | | | Barnes M, Binduhewa P J, Renfrew A C, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Supergen FutureNet and FlexNet | | | Woods A C, Green T, Walton CM, PPA Energy, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Integrated modelling of gas and electricity distribution networks with a high penetration of embedded generation |
| | Acha S, Hernandez-Aramburo C A, Imperial College London United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | "Norwegian electricity customers’ attitudes towards smart metering " |
| | Livgard E F, TNS Gallup, Norway |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Automation systems to support smart energy behaviour of small customers |
| | Diana M, Mauri G, Gramatica P, CESI RICERCA, Italy |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Interactive customer interface for advanced distribution management and electricity market |
| | Partanen J, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Järventausta P, Tampere University of Technology, Kärkkäinen S, Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finland |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | User Perception of Demand Side Management |
| | Nicholson G D, Barbier C, Kemsley R H, Thornley V, Econnect Ventures Limited, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | ADDRESS – Active demand for the smart grids of the future |
| | Losi A, University of Cassino, Italy,
Rooth R A, KEMA, Netherlands,
Cerero Real De Asua R, IBERDROLA Distribucion, Spain,
Paice A, ABB, Switzerland,
Valtorta G, ENEL Distribuzione, Italy,
Bouffard F, University of Manchester, United Kingdom,
Belhomme R, EDF, France |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Active Network Management of Voltage leading to Increased Generation and Improved Network Utilisation |
| | Reid D, Lang P, EDF Energy Networks, Thornley V, Hill J R A, Econnect Ventures Limited, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | National Technology Platform - Smart Grids Austria |
| | Fechner H, Arsenal Research, Prüggler W, Vienna University of Technology, Lugmaier A, Siemens AG, Austria |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Impact of the plus energy buildings on the voltage profile of the distribution networks |
| | Petit M, SUPELEC, Guiavarch A, CEP-Mines ParisTech, Le Pivert X, CEA-INES, France |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Settlement Issues for Advanced Metering with Retail Competition |
| | Hirst D R, RLtec, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | PRIME: PoweRline Intelligent Metering Evolution |
| | Sendin Al, Berganza I, Arriola J, Iberdrola, Spain |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | An Italian facility to test Distributed Energy Resources management for SmartGrids |
| | Massucco S, University of Genoa, Testa A, University of Naples II, Cassino Nucci C A, University of Bologna, Caldon R University of Padova, Pilo F, University of Cagliari, Giglioli R, University of Pisa , Scalari S, ENEL Produzione, Valtorta G ENEL Distribuzione, Italy |
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Poster Session 2 |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Locating Faults in Kuwait Distribution Networks | | | Gilany M, El-Hasawi W, College of Technological Studies, Kuwait |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | On-site trials of the new Supertapp n+AVC relay – a step towards an active network | | | Hiscock J, Johnson N, Moore T, Creighton A, Beddoes A, Gillie M, EA Technology, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Modelling of Pseudo-Measurements for Distribution System State Estimation | | | Manitsas E, Singh R, Strbac G, Pal B, Imperial College London, United Kingdom |
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Distribution network as communication system |
| | Mora R, Siemens, López A, Cedetel, Cabello A, CITIC, Mora D, Ericsson, Lobo F, CITIC, Spain |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | LVSure Concept for Automation of LV Distribution Networks | | | Lees M, EA Technology, Roberts D, Scottish Power Energy Networks, Eastwood G J, EA Technology, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Feeder Automation improves Medium Voltage Network Operating Efficiency | | | Chollot Y, Malot Al, Biasse J-M, INPG, France |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Advanced Stochastic Analysis of Massive DG Penetration—a Voltage Quality Case Study | | | Schwaegerl C, Tao L, Mueller M, Siemens AG, Germany |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Integrating voltage control and power flow management in AuRA-NMS | | | Botting D, ABB, Dolan M, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom,
Larrson M, ABB, Switzerland,
McArthur S, Davidson E, Ault G, University of Strathclyde, Xu T, Taylor P, University of Durham, Roberts D, Scottish Power, United Kingdom, Yuen C, ABB, Switzerland,
Lang P, EDF Energy, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Economical and technical viability of Demand Response in the Spanish power system: the OPTIGES project | | | Castellanos A, Endesa Network Factory, Rodriguez J.E, Anduaga J, Boyra M, Cobelo I, Tecnalia Energia, Spain |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Distribution network design, management and regulation | | | Deuse J, Tractebel Engineering, Belgium,
Bourgain G, Gaz de France, France,
Purchala K, Tractebel Engineering, Belgium |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Coordinated Control and Management of Aggregated Distributed Energy Resources for Enhanced Business Case Viability | | | Healey D H, Caroline H C, BPL Global, United States of America |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | A Key Point for the Future Challenges of the SmartGrids: The Architecture of the Smart T-Station | | | Arriola J, Iberdrola, Baroja H, Sanchez J A, Ormazabal, Spain |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | ADINE – EU Demonstration Project of Active Distribution Network | | | Mäki K J, Repo S P, Järventausta P, Tampere University of Technology, Samuelsson O, Lund University,Finland |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Deployment of Active Network Management Technologies in the UK and their Impact on the Planning and Design of Distribution Networks | | | Ault G W, Currie R A F, MacDonald R A, University Of Strathclyde, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | A Laboratory Testbed for the Evaluation of Cyber Attacks to interacting ICT Infrastructures of Power Grid Operators | | | Szanto J, Garrone F, Dondossola G, CESI RICERCA SpA, Fiorenza G, ENEL Distribuzione, Italy |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Advanced fault management as a part of smart grid solution | | | Boskov E, Popovic D S, DMS Group, Serbia |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Benefits of using High Efficiency Power Equipment that Reduce Distribution System Losses | | | Sacre A, Sacotte M, Faltermeier J-F, Folliot P, France Transfo, France |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Effects of DSTATCOM on Measured Impedance at Source Node of Distribution Feeder | | | Shateri H, Jamali S, Kazemi A, Iran University of Science and Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Power System Design - Basis for Efficient Smart Grid Initiatives | | | Sensing A, Böse C, Siemens Energy Sector, Wittig F, Stadtwerke Brühl GmbH, Germany |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Control of multiple distributed generators for intentional islanding | | | Crossley P A, Ten F, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
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Poster Session 3 |
| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Current Development and Future plan for Smart Distribution Grid in Korea |
Park Y, Song I, Kwon S, Kim J, Power Distribution Laboratory in Korea Electric Power Research Institute (KEPRI), Korea |
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Dynamic Thermal Rating for Increasing Network Capacity and Delaying Network Reinforcements |
| | Roberts D, Scottish Power, Michiorri A, Taylor P C, Durham University, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | The Control of a STATCOM with Supercapacitor Energy Storage for Improved Power Quality | | | Yao L, Parashar R, AREVA T&D Technology Centre, Srithorn P, Sumner M,University of Nottingham, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Description and Benefits of a Situation Awareness Tool Based on a Distribution State Estimator and Adapted to Smart Grids | | | Maire J, Huet O, Sebastian M, EDF R&D, France |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Asynchronous Interconnection of a Microgrid | | | Binduhewa P, Barnes M, University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Assessing the Value of Active Constrained Connection Managers for Distribution Networks | | | Taylor P C, Jupe S C E, University of Durham, Berry C, Scottish Power Energy Networks, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Cost-Efficient Integration of Distributed Generation into Medium Voltage Networks by Optimized Network Planning | | | Berg A, Krahl S, Paulun T, Institute of Power Systems and Power Economics, RWTH Aachen University, Germany |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | DONG Energy - towards the Intelligent Utility Network | | | Vinter P, DONG Energy, Denmark |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | FACTS for voltage control and power quality improvement in distribution grids | | | Grünbaum R, ABB, AB, Sweden |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Substation automation | | | Johansen P, Jomitek, Denmark |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Demonstration Study on Centralized Voltage Control System for Distribution Line with Sudden Voltage Fluctuations | | | Hatta H, Kobayashi H, CRIEPI, Japan |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Voltage and Current THD in Microgrid with Different DG Unit and Load Configurations | | | Kauhaniemi K, Laaksonen H, University of Vaasa, Finland |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Microgrid Configuration for Major Network Events | | | Taylor P, University of Durham, United Kingdom,
Funabashi T, Meidensha Corporation, Japan,
Cipcigan L, Cardiff University, United Kingdom,
Suzuoki Y, Kato T, Nagoya University, Japan |
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A new formulation IPCA Based Method For Branch Current State Estimation in Distribution Networks
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Johari Majd V, Parsa Moghaddam M, Yaghoti A, Haghifam M R, Tarbit Modares University, Islamic Republic of Iran |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Maximum penetration level of Distributed Generation without violating voltage limits | | | Morren J, Essent Netwerk B V, de Haan S W H, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Intelligent self-describing power grids | | | Schnettler A, Schowe-von der Brelie B, Schröder A, FGH e V, Dreyer T, AUCOTEC AG, Germany |
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Digital model of a Distribution Management System for the optimal operation of active distribution systems |
| | Pisano G, Soma G, Celli G, Pilo F, University of Cagliari, Italy |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Smart Grid – enabling Electricity Networks of the Future TODAY | | | Arriola A J, Iberdrola, Spain, Casali, F, Current Group, Switzerland |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Potential of Power Electronics in Electricity Distribution Systems | | | Haakana J, Voutilainen V, Kaipia T, Partanen J, Lassila Jukka, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Koivuranta K, Fortum Distribution, Finland |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Voltage and Frequency Control for Island Operated Induction Generators | | | Samuelsson O, Björnstedt J, Lund University, Sweden |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Formulation of Pricing Mechanism For Microgrid Energy | | |
Chowdhury S P, Jadavpur University, Sinha A, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd,, India |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Implementation of interactivity across a resilient microgrid for power supply and exchange with an active distribution network | | | Byabortta S, Women's Polytechnic, Lahiri R N, Tata Consultancy Services Ltd, India |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Virtual Synchronous Machines (VSG's) For Frequency Stabilisation In Future Grids With A Significant Share Of Decentralized Generation | | | Visscher K, Energy research Centre of the Netherlands, De Haan S W H, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Power Electronics in SmartGrids – Impact on Power System Reliability | | | Lassila J, Peltoniemi P, Salonen P, Partanen J, Kaipia T, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Reliability Study of a Microgrid System with Optimal Sizing and Placement of DER | | | Bhattacharya A, Chowdhury S P, Jadavpur University, Basu A K, CIEM, Chowdhury S, Women's Polytechnic, India,
Crossley P A, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom |
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| ![](gif/icon_pdf.gif) | Operation and Control of DG based Power Island in Smart Grid Environment | | | Chowdhury S, Women's Polytechnic, India, Ten C F, Crossley P A, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom,
Chowdhury S P, Jadavpur University, India |
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Towards a Framework for Modelling Active Networks |
Broadfoot I, Currie R, McDonald J, Ault G, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom |