Session 5: Planning of power distribution systems
Block 1 - Risk assessment and asset management |
Enhancing the asset management process for new demands of decentralized energy integration L Jendernalik, Westnetz GmbH, Germany, C Mensmann, Westnetz GmbH, Germany, D Giavarra, Westnetz GmbH, Germany
Risk analysis of alternatives to N-1 reserves in a network with large amounts of wind power M Bollen, STRI AB, Sweden , Y Chen, STRI AB, Sweden, N Etherden, STRI AB, Sweden
A methodology for ranking locations according to the likelihood and consequence of extreme events S Blake, Durham University, United Kingdom , P Taylor, Durham University, United Kingdom , D Miller, Northern Powergrid, United Kingdom
Investing in the future - long-term optimization of asset replacement in the collective regional electricity grids of The Netherlands G Brouns, Enexis, Netherlands, M Poorts, Enexis, Netherlands
Benefits of reliability centred asset management P Hilber, KTH, Sweden, C Wallnerström, KTH, Sweden, J Rosenlind, KTH, Sweden, S Babu, KTH, Sweden, P Westerlund, KTH, Sweden
Multi-criteria optimization of maintenance activities I Jeromin, Mainova AG, Germany, P Birkner, Mainova AG, Germany, G Balzer, TU Darmstadt, Germany, L Asgarieh, ABB AG, Germany
Emerging reliability requirements for distribution systems in extreme weather conditions J Lassila, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, T Kaipia, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Haakana, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Partanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Seismic vulnerability assessment of electric power distribution network in Iran A Rahnavard, NRI, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Jafari, NRI, Islamic Republic of Iran, A Yavartalab, TAVANIR, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Samadi, TAVANIR, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Farahani, GTEDC, Islamic Republic of Iran
Managing uncertainty and updating parameters in electricity distribution asset condition based risk investment models M Black, Northern Powergrid, United Kingdom, M Nicholson, Northern Powergrid, United Kingdom, G Howarth, Northern Powergrid, United Kingdom
Quantitative measurement of industrial risks in distribution networks A Cammarota, ENEL S.p.A., Italy, N De Giovanni, ENEL S.p.A., Italy, M Cudemo, ENEL S.p.A., Italy, G Noferi, ENEL S.p.A., Italy
Implementation and evaluation of commonly used risk analysis methods applied to a regional power distribution system C Wallnerström, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, J Gadea Travi, Gotlands Energi AB/Vattenfall AB, Sweden, P Hilber, KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Developing indicators for monitoring vulnerability of power lines - case studies O Gjerde, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, G Kjølle, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, M Hofmann, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, E Gramme, Skagerak Nett, Norway, J Hernes, NTE Nett, Norway, J Foosnæs, NTNU, Norway
On the assessment and management of risk in wind farm distribution systems J Martínez, Siemens AG, Germany, A Ferreira, Siemens Industry, Inc., United States
Experiences from implementing a risk based maintenance strategy using an integrated network information and maintenance system D Nordgård, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, G Solum, TrønderEnergi Nett, Norway, B Langdal, Powel, Norway
Reliability analysis of distribution network investments J Paulinder, Göteborg Energi Nät AB, Sweden
Reliability impact factors analysis for distribution in Slovenia T Mohar, Elktroinštitut Milan Vidmar, Slovenia, L Valeněiě, Elktroinštitut Milan Vidmar, Slovenia, D Batiě, Energy Agency of the Republic of Slovenia, Slovenia
Strategic long term planning of asset investments in distribution network using the ASP tool M Halvarsson, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB, Sweden, M Taaveniku, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB, Sweden
Building a framework for integrated risk management of complex projects: The case of a major distribution network investment T Houghton, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, F Ackermann, Curtin University, Australia, S Howick, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, J Quigley, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, L Walls, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
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Block 2 - Network development |
Smart ring main unit reduces outages to a minimum L Hjort, HM Power AB, Sweden, T Karlsson, HM Power AB, Sweden
Interoperability of AMI systems D Apetrei, SC Electrica SA, Romania, D Federenciuc, SC Electrica SA, Romania, D Stanescu, Electrica Transilvania Sud, Romania
The challenges in developing a smart grid roadmap for the distribution network of Iran S Seyedfarshi, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran, K Pourmostadam, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran
Potential for improved reliability and reduced interruption costs utilizing smart grid technologies G Kjølle, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, V Vadlamudi, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, S Kvistad, Hafslund Nett, Norway, K Tutvedt, Hafslund Nett, Norway
Improving quality of supply and usage of assets in distribution grids by introducing a "smart operator" S Willing, RWE Deutschland AG, Germany, J Nilges, RWE Deutschland AG, Germany, S Nykamp, Westnetz GmbH, Germany, T Smolka, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Germany, C Matrose, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, A Schnettler, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, A Stolte, PSI AG, Germany
iNet, the reality of an intelligent distribution network B Heerbaart, Alliander, Netherlands, F Kuipers, Eaton, Netherlands, F Baldinger, Locamation, Netherlands
Investigating the potential impact of superconducting distribution networks M Elsherif, Durham University, United Kingdom, P Taylor, Durham University, United Kingdom, S Blake, Durham University, United Kingdom
QoS assurance in smart grid for IP-based applications of Mashhad electric energy distribution company M Alishahi, Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Yaghmaee, Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Zabihi, Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, S Shadaloo Khorasani, Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran
Determination of LVDC system's economic penetration rate in MV branches S Mousavizadeh, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Haghifam, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic Republic of Iran, V Maslehati, Tavanir Organization, Islamic Republic of Iran
A testbed for the assessment of active network management applications using simulation and communications emulation C Breaden, University of Strathcylde/Smarter Grid Solutions Ltd, United Kingdom, A Dysko, University of Strathcylde, United Kingdom, E Davidson, Smarter Grid Solutions Ltd, United Kingdom, G Burt, University of Strathcylde, United Kingdom, N McNeill, Smarter Grid Solutions Ltd, United Kingdom
The utilization potential of LVDC distribution T Hakala, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, P Järventausta, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, T Lähdeaho, Elenia Oy, Finland
Utilisation of energy storages to secure electricity supply in electricity distribution networks J Haakana, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Lassila, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, T Kaipia, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Partanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Flexibility dynamics in clusters of residential demand response and distributed generation P MacDougall, TNO, Netherlands, J Kok, TNO, Netherlands, C Warmer, Warmer Smart Grids, Netherlands, B Roossien, EnergyGO, Netherlands
Smart grids implementation plan in Slovenian distribution networks B Blazic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, I Papic, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, J Kosmac, Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, Slovenia, G Omahen, Milan Vidmar Electric Power Research Institute, Slovenia
Feasibility study of application of DSSC in distribution networks A Pashaei, Newcastle University, United Kingdom, B Zahawi, Newcastle University, United Kingdom
A system engineering approach to low voltage DC distribution T Kaipia, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Karppanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, A Mattsson, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, A Lana, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, P Nuutinen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, P Peltoniemi, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Partanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Lohjala, Suur-Savon Sähkö Ltd., Finland, W Chae, Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea, J Kim, Korea Electric Power Research Institute, Korea, P Salonen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
The effectiveness of using IEC61660 for characterising short-circuit currents of future low voltage DC distribution networks A Emhemed, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom, G Burt, University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Storage simulations for distribution system analysis R Dugan, EPRI, United States, G Delille, EDF-R&D, France, J Taylor, EPRI, United States
System topologies and transformers for 1kV networks D Soderberg, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB, Sweden
Offshore renewable plant HVDC power collector and distributor C Ng, Narec, United Kingdom, P McKeever, Narec, United Kingdom
Power system information integration technique based on service oriented architecture S Lim, Kyungnam University, Koreaa, H Lee, Kyungnam University, Koreaa, S Yun, KEPCO Research Institute, Korea, P Hwang, Seoul National University, Korea
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Block 3 - Distribution planning |
An integrated interval arithmetic approach for reactive power compensation of radial distribution feeders M Abou El Saad, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Egypt, M Anwar, Shoubra Faculty of Engineering, Egypt
Fault current limiter optimal placement by harmony search algorithm S Zare, TBTB.Co, Islamic Republic of Iran, A Khazali, IUST.UNI, Islamic Repuplic of Iran, S Hashemi, TBTB.Co, Islamic Republic of Iran, F Katebi, TBTB.Co, Islamic Republic of Iran, R Khalili, TBTB.Co, Islamic Republic of Iran
Effect of financial and technical uncertainty on distribution network reconstruction project selection M Mostafavi, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, B Jamshidi Eini, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Naghdi, Alborz PPDC, Islamic Republic of Iran, A Mehrabi, Alborz PPDC, Islamic Republic of Iran
Integration of GIS data into a PSS sincal electrical model J Dooley, ESB International, Ireland, S Hunt, ESB International, Ireland, P White, ESB International, Ireland
Investigating the impacts of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles on distribution congestion S Shafiee, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Rastegar, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran
Distribution network expansion planning considering distribution automation system S Heidari, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, S Kazemi, Razi University, Islamic Republic of Iran, V Maslehati, Iran Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution Company (TAVANIR), Islamic republic of Iran
Improved network analysis by using data from smart meters L Garpetun, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB, Sweden
A network planning and design decision support tool for integration of low carbon technologies and solutions D Hollingworth, EA Technology Ltd, United Kingdom, R Mukherjee, EA Technology Ltd, United Kingdom, G Hodges, Northern Powergrid, United Kingdom, D Miller, Northern Powergrid, United Kingdom, P Lyons, Durham University, United Kingdom
Impacts of large-scale integration of PV based generations in a mesh-connected low voltage network S Bhattacharyya, Endinet/Alliander, Netherlands, S Cobben, Alliander, Netherlands, J Toonen, Endinet/Alliander, Netherlands
Assessment of distributed generation capacity mixture for hybrid benefits D Jayaweera, Curtin University, Australia, S Islam, Curtin University, Australia, S Neduvelil, Curtin University, Australia
Comparison between different multi-objective approaches to distribution network planning A Haji, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, B Jamshidi Eini, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Mirzavand, Alborz PPDC, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Safari, Alborz PPDC, Islamic Republic of Iran
Analyzing the effect of transformer utilization factor in distribution networks as an investment management index by using DisPlan software M Gilvanejad, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran, H Ghadiri, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Shariati, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran, S Khayyamim, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran
Predictive assessment of power continuity indicators R Messias, EDP Distribuição (EDP Group), Portugal, S Pinto, EDP Distribuição (EDP Group), Portugal
"Smart planning" - an integrated approach for distribution system planning to cope with its future requirements C Engels, FH Dortmund, Germany, L Jendernalik, Westfalen-Weser-Ems Verteilnetz GmbH, Germany, M Osthues, TU Dortmund, Germany, H Spitzer, entellgenio GmbH, Germany
Recharging process of plug in vehicles by using artificial immune system and tangent vector Y Rodrigues, Federal University at Itajubá, Brazil, M Zambroni de Souza, Federal University at Itajubá, Brazil, B Lima Lopes, Federal University at Itajubá, Brazil, A Zambroni de Souza, Federal University at Itajubá, Brazil, D Oliveira, Federal University at Itajubá, Brazil
A new method for optimal planning in extensive distribution networks despite uncertain data M Falahi, Daneshmand engineers, Islamic Republic of Iran, H Alavi, aepdco, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Shaygan, Kzrec, Islamic Republic of Iran, A Hojati, Daneshmand engineers, Islamic Republic of Iran
Study of fault repair control mode for distribution network based on automation and information under big-maintenance system L Pang, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China, J Zhou, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China, X Chen, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China, W Ye, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China, W Zhang, State Grid Electric Power Research Institute, China
The analysis of the information needed for the planning of active distribution system M Fan, China EPRI, China, Z Zhang, China EPRI, China, T Tian, State Grid EPRI, China
First use of smart grid data in distribution network planning G Roupioz, Electricite Reseau Distribution France, France, X Robe, DIgSILENT, Spain, F Gorgette, Electricite Reseau Distribution France, France
Market potential analysis for the provision of balancing reserve with a fleet of electric vehicles S Raths, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, T Pollok, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, T Sowa, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, A Schnettler, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, J Brandt, E.ON New Build & Technology, Germany, J Eckstein, Audi AG, Germany
A novel algorithm to the multi-stage grid expansion problem taking into account grid topology modifications and storage devices M Scheufen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, P Erlinghagen, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, F Potratz, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, A Schnettler, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Network planning case study utilising real-time thermal ratings and computational fluid dynamics D Greenwood, Durham University, United Kingdom, G Ingram, Durham University, United Kingdom, P Taylor, Durham University, United Kingdom, A Collinson, Scottish Power Energy Networks, United Kingdom, S Brown, Astrium Geo-Information Services, United Kingdom
Capacity value of distributed generation for network capacity planning C Dent, Durham University, United Kingdom, P Davison, Durham University, United Kingdom, S Blake, Durham University, United Kingdom, D Miller, Northern Powergrid, United Kingdom, D Roberts, EA Technology, United Kingdom
A multi-agent based approach for simulating G2V and V2G charging strategies for large electric vehicle fleets S Uebermasser, AIT, Austria, M Stifter, AIT, Austria
Avoiding MV-network expansion by distributed voltage control J Schmiesing, E.ON Avacon AG, Germany, H Beck, Clausthal University of Technology, Germany, T Smolka, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Germany, M Sojer, Maschinenfabrik Reinhausen, Germany
DG allocation based on modified nodal price with consideration of loss and reliability using PSO S Miri Larimi, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic republic of Iran, M Haghifam, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic republic of Iran
Evaluation of the impact of electric vehicles on distribution systems combining deterministic and probabilistic approaches F Pereyra-Zamora, SINAPSIS Inovação em Energia, Brazil, H Kagan, SINAPSIS Inovação em Energia, Brazil, M Pelegrini, SINAPSIS Inovação em Energia, Brazil, V Gardiman, EDP Bandeirante, Brazil, L Zamboni, EDP Bandeirante, Brazil, M Fredes, EDP Escelsa, Brazil, C Gonçalves, EDP Escelsa, Brazil, M Gavazzi, EDP Bandeirante, Brazil, J Niggli Silva, EDP Escelsa, Brazil
New load and infeed approaches for cost-efficient low-voltage grid design B Lehde, E.ON Avacon AG, Germany , M Zdrallek, Bergische Universität Wuppertal, Germany
Short-term network planning of distribution system with photovoltaic Y Huang, KTH, Sweden, E Hagström, Uppsala University, Sweden , A Fernández, KTH, Sweden, K Alvehag, KTH, Sweden, Y He, Vattenfall, Sweden
Industrial load scheduling in smart power grids S Bahrami, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, F Khazaeli , Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Parniani, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran
The impact of load and distributed energy resources management on microgrid reliability S Talari, Islamic Azad University, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Haghifam, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic republic of Iran
Requirements for advanced decision support tools in future distribution network planning M Grond, Enexis B.V./Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, J Morren, Enexis B.V./Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands, J Slootweg, Enexis B.V./Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Integrated AC/DC network planning S Mousavizadeh, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic republic of Iran, M Haghifam, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic republic of Iran
Optimum rearrangment by GA and GIS in distribution network A Nowbakht, Shiraz Power Electrical Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, H Moshtaghian, Shiraz Power Electrical Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, R Sedaghati, Azad University of Beyza, Islamic Republic of Iran, V Ghaedi, Shiraz Power Electrical Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran
Analysis of the options to reduce the integration costs of renewable generation in the distribution networks. Part 1: Impact of PV development in France and global analysis of considered alternatives to reinforcement A Minaud, ERDF, France, C Gaudin, ERDF, France, L Karsenti, ERDF, France
Impact of large share of renewable generation on investment costs at the example of AÜW distribution network B Meyer, Siemens AG, Germany, H Müller, Siemens AG, Germany, R Köberle, Allgäuer Überlandwerk GmbH, Germany, M Fiedeldey, Allgäuer Überlandwerk GmbH, Germany, C Hoffmann, IWES Kassel, Germany, J Bamberger, Siemens AG, Germany
Planning-oriented yearly simulation of energy storage operation in distribution system for profit maximization, voltage regulation and reserve provisioning S Abdelouadoud, Mines Paristech, France , R Girard, Mines Paristech, France, T Guiot, CSTB, France
The impact of EV's fast charging stations on the MV distribution grids of the Milan metropolitan area G Mauri, RSE S.p.A, Italy, E Fasciolo, A2A Reti Elettriche, Italy, S Fratti, A2A Reti Elettriche, Italy, D Bertini, RSE S.p.A, Italy
Technical analyses of network structures regarding decentralized feed-in M Aigner, TU Graz/IFEA, Austria, E Schmautzer, TU Graz/IFEA, Austria, D Buchauer, TU Graz/IFEA, Austria, G Bitzan, EKG-StromNetz (StN-G), Austria
Analysis of the options to reduce the integration costs of renewable generation in the distribution networks. Part 2: A step towards advanced connection studies taking into account the alternatives to grid reinforcement. G Delille, EDF R&D, France, G Malarange, EDF R&D, France, C Gaudin, ERDF, France
Probabilistic grid planning with consideration of dispersed generation and electric vehicles A Probst, University of Stuttgart - IEH, Germany, S Tenbohlen, University of Stuttgart - IEH, Germany, M Seel, EnBW Regional AG, Germany, M Braun, Fraunhofer IWES/University of Kassel, Germany
Assessing the impact of ICT on the reliability of active distribution systems J Taylor, EPRI, United States, S Jupe, Parsons Brinckerhoff, United Kingdom, G Celli, University of Cagliari, Italy, F Pilo, University of Cagliari, Italy
Impacts of photovoltaics on low voltage networks: A case study for the North West of England A Navarro, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, L Ochoa, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, P Mancarella, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, D Randles, Electricity North West Limited, United Kingdom
Power system planning in distribution networks today and in the future with smart grids E Tønne, NTE Nett AS, Norway, J Foosnæs, NTNU/NTE Nett AS, Norway, T Pynten, NTE Nett AS, Norway
Influence of generator curtailment priority on network hosting capacity W Sun, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, G Harrison, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Living lab ‘Rotterdam tests electric driving' (focus on the monitoring of the impact on the electricity grid) H Fidder, Stedin, Netherlands, S Neuray, Eneco, Netherlands, J Streng, City of Rotterdam, Netherlands, M Van Lumig, Laborelec, Belgium, R Jahn, Laborelec, Belgium
Demand side integration aspects in active distribution planning F Silvestro, University of Genova, Italy, A Baitch, BES (Aust) Pty Ltd, Australia, F Pilo, University of Cagliari, Italy, B Bak-Jensen, Aalborg University, Denmark, G Pisano, University of Cagliari, Italy, M Fan, China EPRI, China, N Hatziargyriou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece, G Petretto, ENEL Ingegneria e Ricerca, Italy, P Georgilakis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece
Definition and validation of key performance indicators to assess the effectiveness of "smarting actions" on a distribution network A Bonfiglio, University of Genova, Italy, F Delfino, University of Genova, Italy, G Denegri, University of Genova, Italy, M Invernizzi, University of Genova, Italy, R Procopio, University of Genova, Italy
Distribution network planning in presence of fast charging stations for EV G Celli, University of Cagliari, Italy, F Pilo, University of Cagliari, Italy, G Soma, University of Cagliari, Italy, E Fasciolo, A2A Reti Elettriche, Italy, G Mauri, RSE S.p.A., Italy, S Mocci, University of Cagliari, Italy, R Cicoria, RSE S.p.A., Italy, G Fogliata, A2A Reti Elettriche, Italy
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Block 4 - Methods and tools |
Changes in forecasting of HV/MV-transformer loading due to distributed generation M Berende, Enexis, Netherlands, A De Ruiter, Enexis, Netherlands, J Morren, Enexis/ Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Electrical load forecasts in long –term and impact on load management application F Bendary, Banha University, Egypt, H Mahmoud, Egyptian Electricity Holding Company (EEHC), Egypt, S El-Sheikh, Egyptian Electricity Transmission Company (EETC), Egypt
Combination of capacitor placement and reconfiguration for loss reduction in distribution systems using selective PSO T Khalil, Canal Company for Electricity Distribution, Egypt , A Gorpinich, Pryazovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine, G Elbanna, Canal Company for Electricity Distribution, Egypt
Reduction of energy losses in electrical distribution systems H Emara Kassm, Rural Electrification Authority, Egypt, M Abd El Latif Badr, Ain Shams University, Egypt, S Ali Ahmed, Egyptian Elecricity Holding Company, Egypt
Efficient forecast system for distributed generators with uncertainties in the primary energy source A Rueda Medina, UNESP, Brazil, A Padilha Feltrin, UNESP, Brazil, J Sanches Mantovani, UNESP, Brazil
Copula-based multivariate stochastic modeling of load demand due to plug-in electric vehicles in order to be integrated in distribution system planning E Pashajavid, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Aliakbar Golkar, K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran
Development of probabilistic daily demand curves for different categories of customers Y Xu, University of Manchester, United Kingdom, J Milanovic, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
A novel algorithm for long-term load forecasting of distribution networks under redevelopment conditions A Moshari, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran, Z Madihi, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran, N Moslemi, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran, D Jalali, Niroo Research Institute, Islamic Republic of Iran
Computational approach for spatiotemporal modelling of heating loads using AMR and other external data H Niska, University of Eastern Finland, Finland, J Saarenpää, University of Eastern Finland, Finland, M Kolehmainen, University of Eastern Finland, Finland
Comparing load estimation methods for distribution system analysis R Arritt, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), United States, R Dugan, Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), United States
Correlation between load density and voltage drop S Emelin, ERDF, France , R Caire, Grenoble IT, France, C Gaudin, ERDF, France, N Hadj Saïd, Grenoble IT, France, J Merley, ERDF, France
Dynamic equivalents of active distribution power systems for investigation of transient stability T Preda, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, K Uhlen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway , D Norgård, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, T Toftevaag, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway
Improving distribution network analysis with new AMR-based load profiles A Mutanen, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, P Järventausta, Tampere University of Technology, Finland, M Kärenlampi, ABB, Finland, P Juuti, ABB, Finland
Mathematical solutions for electricity networks in a low carbon future S Haben, University of Reading, United Kingdom, M Rowe, University of Reading, United Kingdom, P Grindrod, University of Reading, United Kingdom, W Holderbaum, University of Reading, United Kingdom, B Potter, University of Reading, United Kingdom, D Greetham, University of Reading, United Kingdom, C Singleton, CountingLab Ltd, United Kingdom
Real-time unbalanced load flow development using direct-ZBR method and modified lambda iteration for on-line monitoring and control M Syai'in, Surabaya Ship Building State Polytechnic, Indonesia, O Penangsang, ITS, Indonesia, A Soeprijanto, ITS, Indonesia
Spatial and temporal electric vehicle demand forecasting in central London S Acha, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, K Van Dam, Imperial College London, United Kingdom, N Shah, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
A Gaussian mask model for spatial load growth M Carvalho, Daimon, Brazil, S Neto, Daimon, Brazil, A Antunes, Daimon, Brazil, M Di Salvo, Daimon, Brazil, A Meffe, Daimon, Brazil, L Silva, CPFL, Brazil, G Burani, USP/IEE, Brazil, C De Oliveira, Daimon, Brazil
The analysis of efficiency of shunt resistor during a single-phase earth fault using the two-port network theory D Kouba, E.ON Czech Republic, s.r.o., Czech Republic , K Procházka, EGC-EnerGoConsult CB, s.r.o., Czech Republic
On the temperature dependence of the load curve of the city of Zurich V Klemenz, ETH, Switzerland, J Bader, ewz, Switzerland, H Luternauer, ewz, Switzerland
Effects of scale on load prediction algorithms A Tidemann, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, B Høverstad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, H Langseth, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, P Öztürk, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Design philosophy revision in metropolises distribution system by comparative chromosome genetic algorithm F Rameshkhah, Great Tehran Electrical Distribution Co., Islamic Republic of Iran, S Ghiasi, Amirkabir University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran, A Arastoo, Great Tehran Electrical Distribution Co., Islamic Republic of Iran, S Hashemi, Great Tehran Electrical Distribution Co., Islamic Republic of Iran
Secondary substation load profiling - identification and visualisation of changes C Walton, PPA Energy, United Kingdom, S Carter, PPA Energy, United Kingdom
Synthetic three-phase load profiles C Reese, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Germany, L Hofmann, Leibniz Universitaet Hannover, Germany
A novel hybrid algorithm for reconfiguration problem of the distribution networks S Nasrollahi, Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, A Sardarabadi, Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, Y Khoshian, Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, A Gharib, Mashhad Electric Energy Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran
Assessment of the investment effort in HV and MV networks to reduce energy losses J Martins, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, J De Silva, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, C Santos, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, F Branco, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, J Fidalgo, INESC Porto, Portugal, M Matos, INESC Porto, Portugal, M Couto, INESC Porto, Portugal