Session 6: Electricity market place and impact of regulation
Block 1 – Activate the customer |
Impact of the enforcement of a time-of-use tariff to residential customers in Italy S Maggiore, R.S.E. SpA, Italy, M Gallanti, R.S.E. SpA, Italy, W Grattieri, R.S.E. SpA, Italy, M Benini, R.S.E. SpA, Italy
Demand side management (DSM), what are the potential benefits? J Foosnaes, NTNU/NTE Nett AS, Norway, E Toenne, NTNU/NTE Nett AS, Norway, J Gjerde, Statnett SF, Norway, V Hyde, Statnett SF, Norway
Power-saving benefits of demand side management Y Yang, Pudong Power Supply Company SMEPC, Y Xu, Shanghai Sheng Shi Xiang Hai Company Ltd, China
The interface between the utility sector and home automation N Rex, Aidon, Sweden, U Hagstrand, SWECO, Sweden, P Nääs, Vattenfall, Sweden, P Silverhjärta, Swedenergy, Sweden
Evaluation methods for market models used in smart grids H Ibrahim, KTH, Sweden, M Skillbäck, KTH, Sweden, K Alvehag, KTH, Sweden, O Hansson, Fortum Distribution, Sweden
Applying fuzzy techniques to model customer comfort in a smart home control system A Mohsenzadeh, Tarbiat Modares university, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Shariatkhah, Tarbiat Modares university, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Haghifam, Tarbiat Modares university, Islamic Republic of Iran
Advanced smart multi-metering: Synergies between gas and electricity sectors for efficient operations and customer awareness M Cotti, ENEL Distribuzione SpA, Italy, F Veroni, ENEL Distribuzione SpA, Italy, P Giubbini, ENEL Distribuzione SpA, Italy
Hourly metering opens for new business opportunities and improved customer service Y Lagerquist, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB, Sweden, S Gunbrant, Pro4u Energy AB, Sweden
A better knowledge of electricity consumption for residential customers through the linky smart meter J Duplex, ERDF, France, S Gosswiller, ERDF, France, S Fagnoni, ERDF, France
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Block 2 - Regulation & market development |
Regulatory guidelines in setting up a voltage quality monitoring framework R Houtepen, DNV KEMA, Netherlands, W Hulshorst, DNV KEMA, Netherlands, R Targosz, Polish Copper Promotion Centre, Poland
A grid code for Rwanda P Tuson, Parsons Brinckerhoff, South Africa, J Wright, Parsons Brinckerhoff, South Africa, M Roos, ACE Energy, South Africa, G Chown, PPA Energy
The power industry on the road to 2020, threats and opportunities E Livgard, TNS Gallup, Norway
A novel solution for shaping electricity demand via controlling water consumption of agricultural customers M Taravat, RSA Electronics, Islamic Republic of Iran, A Yavartalab, Tavanir, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Samadi, Tavanir, Islamic Republic of Iran, H Nazarboland, RSA Electronics, Islamic Republic of Iran
Participation of photovoltaic systems in control reserve markets M Jansen, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany, M Speckmann, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
Balancing electricity supply with distribution network constraints P Boait, De Montfort University, United Kingdom, V Pakka, De Montfort University, United Kingdom
Eliminating the regulated electricity tariffs at end-users L Predescu, Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority, Romania
Impact of regulation on asset management: The value of lost load in Argentina as a regulatory signal to guide investment into residential or industrial sectors F Nicchi, UBA, Argentina, M Quiroga, UBA, Argentina, C Salzman, UBA, Argentina
Germans transition towards renewable energy supply - a systems thinking approach M Finkel, Hochschule Augsberg, A Gerblinger, Hochschule Augsberg, M Wiest, Hochschule Augsberg, B Engel, TU Braunschweig, Germany
Analysis on sustainability issues and operational effectiveness for electrical industries S Ravindran, Sonel Instruments India Private limited, India
Impact of regulations on electric distribution market J Kumar, ETC, Inc., United States
Updating the security of supply level in the Finnish electricity distribution systems - a real life case of changing the legislation from the viewpoint of the ministry M Kinnunen, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Finland, A Rajala, Ministry of Employment and the Economy, Finland
Commercial quality regulation in European countries A Mozsolics, Hungarian Energy Office, Hungary, Z Zmijarevic, Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency, Croatia, Z Birinyi, Hungarian Energy Office, Hungary, M Bollen, LTU, Sweden, W Friedl, E-Control, Austria, R Vailati, formerly with AEEG, Italy
Flexibility marketplace to foster use of distributed energy resources E Goutard, Alstom Grid, France, J Passelergue, Alstom Grid, France, D Sun, Alstom Grid Inc, United States
Regulatory aspects of energy storage in Sweden S Ackeby, STRI, Sweden, L Ohlsson, Falbygdens Energi AB, Sweden, N Etherden, STRI, Sweden
A pan-European capacity market prospect analysis based on IRENE-40 scenarios L Tao, Siemens AG, Germany, C Schwaegerl, Siemens AG, Germany , E Gaxiola, Siemens AG, Germany, H Mueller, Siemens AG, Germany
Simulation of innovative business cases for household customers in the German electricity supply A Gerblinger, Hochschule Augsburg, Germany, M Finkel, Hochschule Augsburg, Germany, R Witzmann, Technische Universität München, Germany
A new approach to apply aggregators for PHEVs in a smart city S Vatankhah, Ardabil Province Electricity Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, C Salimikordkandi, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey, M Karimi, Islamic Azad University, Islamic Republic of Iran, H Helmi, Ardabil Province Electricity Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran
How DSO could facilitate system optimization in new market mechanisms for distributed resources C Salon, ERDF, France, O Huet, ERDF, France, F Blanc, ERDF, France
Providing optimal pricing strategy for buyers' energy packages in Iran power exchange M Mohammadinia, Tehran Regional Electricity Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Borzouie, Tehran University, Islamic Republic of Iran, H Shakeri, Tehran Regional Electricity Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran, S Barband, Tehran Regional Electricity Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran
Using VEC formulation for energy demand and consumption forecasts for short and long term considering the impact of price-elasticity and external shocks D Antonelli, Daimon Engineering & Systems, Brazil, R Antunes, Centrais Elétricas de Santa Catarina S.A., Brazil, P Puget, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne, France
Determination of minimum guaranteed price for energy produced by DGs in distribution network S Miri Larimi, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Haghifam, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic Republic of Iran
Energy contracting for large consumers in Brazil: A real case study E Carlos, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil, D Lima, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), Brazil, L Ochoa, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
The optimization of time-of-use pricing considering reliability K Chen, Nanjing Power Supply Company, China, D Chen, Hohai University, China, Y Liao, Hohai University, China, X Chen, Hohai University, China
EU-wide network codes: Process, role of DSOs and possible impacts J Merley, ERDF, France , P Granström, EDSO for Smart Grids, Belgium, G Lorenz, Eurelectric, EU, P Mandatova, Eurelectric, EU, F Chapalain, EDSO for Smart Grids, Belgium
Evaluation of power outage costs for industrial sectors in Finland S Kufeoglu, Aalto University, Finland, M Lehtonen, Aalto University, Finland
Estimation of customers damage function by questionnaire method S Amani Beni, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Haghifam, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic Republic of Iran, R Hammamian, ChaharMahal Va Bakhtiari Electrical Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran
How to develop additional renewable energy in island areas? G Jarry, Commission de régulation de l'énergie, France, D Laffaille, Commission de régulation de l'énergie, France, J Maire, EDF SEI, France, K Strang, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, France, Y Barlier, EDF SEI, France
Inclusion of LV/MV consumers in emission trading scheme E Kolentini, Evilion Systems, Greece, E Paraskevadaki, Evilion Systems, Greece
The regulatory situation in Sweden today - from a Swedish DSO perspective P Finnström, Vattenfall Eldistribution AB, Sweden
ICT in a smart grid based energy services development M Makowski, ENERGA-Obrot SA, Poland, A Babs, Institute of Power Engineering, Poland
A market-based approach for optimal operation of customer-owned DG units in smart grids M Zangiabadi, Lyse, Norway, J Kvaloy, University of Stavanger, Norway
Household aggregators development for demand response in Europe G Lebel, KTH-ICS, Sweden, C Sandels, KTH-ICS, Sweden, L Nordström, KTH-ICS, Sweden, S Grauers, Vattenfall, Sweden
The interdependencies of electricity market regulation and electricity supply security J Reichl, Energy Institute at the JKU, Austria, S Schmidinger, Energy Institute at the JKU, Austria, M Schmidthaler, Energy Institute at the JKU, Austria
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Block 3 - More challenging DSO business |
Real-time risk and cost management of a grid connected micro-grid E Jalalabadi, University of Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, A Rahimi Kian, University of Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Market based short term scheduling in energy hub in presence of responsive loads and renewable resources S Pazouki, Islamic Azad University, Islamic Republic of Iran, M Haghifam, Sharif University of Technology, Islamic Republic of Iran
Combining load and condition based risk models for intergrated investment planning D Hughes, EA Technology, United Kingdom, P Barnfather, EA Technology, United Kingdom, A Harrison, EA Technology, United Kingdom
Smart compact secondary substations – method for evaluation of functionality for utilities S Reite, ABB AS, Norway, I Schytte, Skagerak Nett AS, Norway, P Skryten, ABB AS, Norway, O Granhaug, ABB AS, Norway, L Klovning, Skagerak Nett AS, Norway
Scenarios describing smart grids technologies applied to electricity distribution systems M Istad, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, E Solvang, SINTEF Energy Research/NTNU, Norway, D Nordgård, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, B Bremdal, NCE Smart Energy Markets/Narvik University College, Norway, J Foosnæs, NTE Nett/NTNU, Norway
A model to optimise CAPEX and OPEX for a given quality level H Thies, Wuppertal University, Germany, M Zdrallek, Wuppertal University, Germany, M Schwan, Siemens Power Technologies International, Germany
Changing the attitudes about electricity M Thorsén, Svensk Energi Swedenergy, Sweden, K Karlsson, Svensk Energi Swedenergy, Sweden, P Hedman, Svensk Energi Swedenergy, Sweden
Integration of strategic and operational asset management A Steffen, ENERVIE AssetNetWork GmbH, Germany, C Wemhoff, ENERVIE AssetNetWork GmbH, Germany, S Hübner, entellgenio GmbH, Germany, H Spitzer, entellgenio GmbH, Germany
South East Europe style smart metering: The cost effective solution for an ageing network V Strugar, EPCG, Montenegro, A Bertani, CESI, Italy, M Gobbi, CESI, Italy, I Tito, ENEL, Italy, M De Nicolo, E-Utile, Italy, M Radulovic, MEZON, Montenegro
Benefits from smart meter investments L Garpetun, Vattenfall AB, Sweden, P Nylén, Vattenfall AB, Sweden
Energy and reserve scheduling of microgrid using multi-objective optimization A Zakariazadeh, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Islamic Republic of Iran, S Jadid, Iran University of Science and Technology (IUST), Islamic Republic of Iran
Impact of load dispersion on grid length S Emelin, ERDF, France , R Caire, G2ELAB, France, C Gaudin, ERDF, France, N Hadj Saïd, G2ELAB, France, J Merley, ERDF, France
Paying for the smart grid P Avery, G&W Electric, United States
A Brazilian business case: Smart meters, the market and regulation M Hamerschmidt, COPEL, Brazil, R Demonti, LACTEC, Brazil
E-car and economic impact: Enhancing the smart grids II R Mora, SIEMENS, Spain, A González, IBERDROLA, Spain, J Corera, IBERDROLA, Spain, M Cruz-Zambrano, IREC, Spain, J Oyarzabal, TECNALIA, Spain, R Rodriguez, TECNALIA, Spain
Flexible plug and play low carbon networks: Commercial solutions for active network management A Laguna-Estopier, UK Power Networks, United Kingdom, S Georgiopoulos, UK Power Networks, United Kingdom, E Crosthwaite Eyre, Baringa Partners, United Kingdom, C Marantes, UK Power Networks, United Kingdom
Designing an optimized model to forecast short-term electricity demand based on ARIMA and wavelet decomposition neural network: Composition of linear and non-linear model (a case study in Iran) M Zolfaghari, Yazd Electrical Distribution Company/Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic Republic of Iran, F Besharatnia, Tarbiat Modares University, Islamic Republic of Iran, F Behdad, Yazd Electrical Distribution Company, Islamic Republic of Iran
Effects of residential customers' energy efficiency on electricity distribution business J Tuunanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, S Honkapuro, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Partanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
Challenges in the distribution grid development regime for DG integration - the need for predictable plans and arenas for communication G Jacobsen, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, H Egeland, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, D Nordgård, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, A Ruud, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway
Impact of market-based residential load control on the distribution network business N Belonogova, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, P Valtonen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Tuunanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, S Honkapuro, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland, J Partanen, Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland
A new short-term load forecasting model based on relevance vector machine Z Wei, Hohai University, China, X Li, Alstom Grid, China, K Cheung, Alstom Grid, United States, J Wu, Hohai University, China, S Huang, Hohai University, China
Reaching PV grid parity: LCOE analysis for the Italian framework M Delfanti, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, V Olivieri, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, B Erkut, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, G Turturro, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Efficient infrastructure for aggregation and marketing of distributed small-scale energy resources W Voelk, Siemens AG, Germany, M Funck, SWK Netze GmbH, Germany, T Connor, Siemens AG, Germany
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Block 4 - Smart grids projects |
InovGrid, a smart vision for a next generation distribution system ... P Matos, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, A Veiga, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, M Oliveira, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, P Monteiro, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, A Messias, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, P Daniel, EDP Distribuição, Portugal
First results in Endesa smart metering roll-out V Vadacchino, ENEL Distribuzione S.p.A, Italy, G Fantini, ENEL Distribuzione S.p.A, Italy, R Denda, Endesa Distribución Electrica SL, Spain
The new paradigm of metering in Portugal T Simão, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, M Boucinha, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, A Rodrigues, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, P Pereira, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, V Nunes, EDP Distribuição, Portugal, D Duarte, EDP Distribuição, Portugal
Analysis of the on-going research and demonstration efforts on smart grids in Europe I Losa, RSE SpA, Italy, M De Nigris, RSE SpA, Italy, T Vu Van, ENTSO-E, Belgium, I Herold, AIT, Austria, W Hribernik, AIT, Austria
National scale impact of the Stockholm royal seaport project P Gebro, Uppsala University, Sweden, K Alvehag, KTH, Sweden, O Hansson, Fortum Distribution, Sweden
ENEL's large scale demonstration project inside Grid4EU: The challenge of RES integration in the MV network D Stein, ENEL Distribuzione SpA, Italy, L Consiglio, ENEL Distribuzione SpA, Italy, J Stromsather, ENEL Distribuzione SpA, Italy
Smart islands, laboratories of smart grid technologies G Jarry, Commission de régulation de l'énergie, France, D Laffaille, Commission de régulation de l'énergie, France, J Maire, EDF SEI, France, K Strang, Ministry of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, France
The meter-ON project: How to support the deployment of advanced metering infrastructures in Europe? A Marcoci, CEIT Alanova, Austria, S Raffaelli, EDSO for Smart Grids, Belgium, R Urban, RSE S.p.A, Italy, J Galan Sanjuan, Union Fenosa Distribucion, Spain, E Cagno, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, G Micheli, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, G Mauri, RSE S.p.A, Italy
Ecogrid EU project - real time price based load control and economic benefits in a wind production based system L Aleixo, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, A Rosin, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, H Saele, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, I Palu, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia, O Grande, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway, A Morch, SINTEF Energy Research, Norway